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Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (JKCS)

ISSN 1017-2548(Print)
ISSN 2234-8530(Online)
Volume 24, Number 1
JKCSEZ 24(1)
February 20, 1980 

Functional Monomers and Polymers (Ⅰ). Polymerization of Acryloyl-Type Monomer Containing Lactam Ring

관능성 단량체 및 중합체 (제1보). Lactam 고리를 함유하고 있는 Acryloyl 형 단량체의 중합
S. K. Noh, G. S. Sur, Sam K. Choi

노석균, 서길수, 최삼권
새로운 acrylimide로서 N-acrylylpyrrolidone을 합성하였다. N-Acrylylpyrrolidone은 N-methacrylyl-lactam과는 다르게 homopolymerization을 열적으로도 함을 관찰하였다. Styrene과 N-acrylylpyrrolidone의 공중합시 각 monomer의 reactivity ratio를 구하였다. 그 결과 생성되는 copolymer는 pyrrolidone의 음이온 중합에 적절한 acyl-lactam function을 가지고 있음을 알았다.

The synthesis of N-acrylylpyrrolidone has been carried out by the reaction of pyrrolidone and acrylyl chloride. The study on the copolymer of N-acrylylpyrrolidone and styrene is attempted.The copolymerization of N-acrylylpyrrolidone and styrene is carried out in benzene.Monomer reactivity ratio of N-acrylylpyrrolidone and styrene was calculated by Fineman and Ross equation. It is observed that the copolymer of N-acrylylpyrrolidone and styrene has random distributed acyl-lactam function on the vinyl polymer backbone.

64 - 72
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