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Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (JKCS)

ISSN 1017-2548(Print)
ISSN 2234-8530(Online)
Volume 15, Number 5
JKCSEZ 15(5)
October 20, 1971 

The Interaction of Gallium Bromide with n-Butyl Bromide in Nitrobenzene and in 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene

니트로벤젠용액 및 1,2,4-트리클로로벤젠 용액내에서의 브로화갈륨과 n-브롬화부틸과의 상호작용
Oh Cheun Kwun, Yang Kil Kim

권오천, 김양길
니트로벤젠 및 1,2,4-트리클로로벤젠에서의 n-브롬화부틸의 용해도를 19°, 25°, 40℃에서 브롬화갈륨이 있을때와 없을때에 각각 측정하여 보았다. 브롬화갈륨이 존재하지 않을때에 니트로벤젠에서의 n-브롬화부틸의 용해도가 1,2,4-트리클로로벤젠 보다 더 강하다는 것을 나타낸다. 브롬화갈륨이 존재할 때에는 용액내에서 n-브롬화부틸과 브롬화갈륨의 1:1 complex, n-C4H9Br-GaBr3가 형성된다. 이 complex의 instability constant K를 계산하였다. n-C4H9Br·GaBr3 ↔ n-C4H9Br + 1/2 Ga2Br6 또한 이 complex의 해리에 대한 엔탈피, 자유에너지 및 엔트로피도 산출하였다.

The solubilities of n-butyl bromide in nitrobenzene and in 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene have been measured at 19°, 25°and 40℃ in the presence and absence of gallium bromide. When gallium bromide does not exist in the system, the solubility of n-butyl bromide in nitrobenzene is greater than in 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, indicating a stronger interaction of n-butyl bromide with nitrobenzene than with 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene. In the presence of gallium bromide, complex of n-butyl bromide with gallium bromide, 1:1 complex, n-C4H9Br·GaBr3, is formed in the solution. The instability constant K of the complex was evaluated. n-C4H9Br·GaBr3 ↔ n-C4H9Br + 1/2 Ga2Br6 The changes of enthalpy, free energy and entropy for the dissociation of the complex were also calculated.

228 - 235
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