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Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (JKCS)

ISSN 1017-2548(Print)
ISSN 2234-8530(Online)
Volume 7, Number 1
February 20, 1963 

Studies on the Amino Acids Composition of Makjang
Hong Dae Shin, Joo Ok Yoon
Amino acid composition of Makjang was determined by combined usage of ion exchange resin and paper chormatography in the following states. a. A fraction soluble in water b. Hydrolysate of the whole Makjang c. Same as a. (p.p.t, formed by tungstic acid or trichloroacetic acid being removed) d. Hydrolysate of c. (T and TCA) By comparing amino acid composition of Makjang with that of its raw material, we found that decomposition of essential amino acids during brewing is slight. From the amino acid composition of a, b, c, d, we discussed the ratio of amino acid liberation during brewing and assumed that Makjang contains peptide-like substances composing of glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
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