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Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (JKCS)

ISSN 1017-2548(Print)
ISSN 2234-8530(Online)
Volume 59, Number 2
JKCSEZ 59(2)
April 20, 2015 

Molecular Bonding Force and Stiffness in Amine-Linked Single-Molecule Junctions Formed with Silver Electrodes
Taekyeong Kim
Molecular conductance, Force spectroscopy, Silver electrodes, Bond rupture, Break-junction
Bonding force and stiffness in amine-linked single-molecule junctions for Ag electrodes were measured using a home-built conducting atomic force microscope under ambient conditions at room temperature. For comparison, Au electrodes were used to measure the rupture force and stiffness of the molecular junctions. The traces of the force along with the conductance showed a characteristic saw-tooth pattern owing to the breaking of the metal atomic contacts or the metal-molecule- metal junctions. We found the rupture force and stiffness for Ag are smaller than those for Au electrodes. Furthermore, we observed that the force required to break the amine-Ag bond in the conjugated molecule, 1,4-benzenediamine, is smaller than in 1,4-butanediamine which is fully saturated. These results consist with the previous theoretical calculations for the binding energies of the nitrogen bonded to Ag or Au atoms.
132 - 135
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