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Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (JKCS)

ISSN 1017-2548(Print)
ISSN 2234-8530(Online)
Volume 51, Number 5
JKCSEZ 51(5)
October 20, 2007 

The Analysis of Relationships among Self-Handicapping Tendency, Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy and Learning Strategies in Chemistry Education

화학교과에서 자아핸디캡경향, 목표지향성, 자기효능감 및 학습전략 사이의 관계분석
Young Chun Ko*

경로모형, 자아핸디캡경향, 목표지향성, 자기효능감, 학습전략 , Paths Model, Self-Handicapping Tendency, Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy, Learning Strategy
본 연구에서는 학습전략의 동기요인을 탐색하기 위해 각 관계된 변인들 간의 경로모형을 연구모형 I과 연구모형 II의 기본모형으로 설정했고, 이 연구모형의 관점에서 화학교과를 대상으로 체계적이고 정밀한 분 석을 통해 자아핸디캡경향, 목표지향성, 자기효능감 및 학습전략 사이의 관계를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 연구모 형 I과 연구모형 II 중에서 연구모형 II에 대한 내용이 채택되었고 이 모형의 주요 통계적 적합도 지수들을 확 인하면서 경로를 추가했고 3차 수정한 결과, 연구모형 Ⅱ-3이 본 연구의 완전 연구모형으로 채택되었으나 연 구모형 II-3에서 가정된 9개의 이론적 경로 중 자아핸디캡경향에서 학습전략으로 영향을 미치는 경로의 t값이 |-0.400|으로서 .05의 경계값인 |±2.015|보다 적게 나타났다. 이러한 점을 감안해서 자아핸디캡경향에서 학습전 략으로 영향을 미치는 경로를 연결하지 않는 즉, ‘자아핸디캡경향과 목표지향성’이 자기효능감을 매개변인으 로 하여 학습전략으로 향하는 연구모형 II-2가 본 연구의 최적 연구모형으로 결정되었다.

The structural equation modeling techniques were used to assess a model of chemistry learning strategy based on self-handicapping tendency and goal orientation. Data were collected during chemistry lessons in two high schools. In the optimal model II-2 of this research, the self-handicapping tendency was negatively related to the use of self-efficacy. The learning goal was positively related to the use of self-efficacy and to learning strategy. The performance- approach goal was positively related to self-efficacy but presented an negative relationship to learning strategy. The performance-avoidance goal was negatively related to self-efficacy but presented an positive relationship to learning strategy. Besides affecting the learning strategy through self-efficacy indirectly, the learning goal, performance-approach goal, and performance-avoidance goal affected learning strategy directly. The self-handicapping tendency and performance- avoidance goal were a negative predictors of self-efficacy, but the learning goal and performance-approach goal were a positive predictors. And the self-efficacy affected learning strategy positively. The implications of these findings for learning strategy in chemistry are discussed. Although the paths model of relationships of the motivations to learn and learning strategies in chemistry education as mentioned above is established, the more systematic search for the higher self-efficacy and learning strategy in different courses and curriculums may be needed.

459 - 470
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