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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS)

ISSN 0253-2964(Print)
ISSN 1229-5949(Online)
Volume 33, Number 5
BKCSDE 33(5)
May 20, 2012 

Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism of Aminolyses of Benzyl 2-Pyridyl Carbonate and t-Butyl 2-Pyridyl Carbonate in Acetonitrile
Ae Ri Bae, Ik-Hwan Um*
Aminolysis, Steric hindrance, H-bonding interaction, Reactivity-selectivity principle
Second-order rate constants (kN) have been measured spectrophotometrically for the reactions of benzyl 2- pyridyl carbonate 3 and t-butyl 2-pyridyl carbonate 4 with a series of alicyclic secondary amines in MeCN at 25.0 ± 0.1 oC. Substrate 4 is much less reactive than 3 and the steric hindrance exerted by the bulky t-Bu group in 4 has been attributed to its decreased reactivity. The Brønsted-type plots for the reactions of 3 and 4 are linear with βnuc = 0.57 and 0.45, respectively. Thus, the reactions have been concluded to proceed through a concerted mechanism, although the current reactions were expected to proceed through a stepwise mechanism with a zwitterionic tetrahedral intermediate T±. It has been proposed that the rate of leaving-group expulsion is accelerated by the intramolecular H-bonding interaction in T± and the “push” provided by the RO group through the resonance interaction. Thus, the enhanced nucleofugality forces the reactions to proceed through a concerted mechanism. The reactivity-selectivity principle (RSP) is not applicable to the current reaction systems, since the reaction of the less reactive 4 results in a smaller βnuc than that of the more reactive 3. Steric hindrance exerted by the bulky t-Bu group in 4 has been suggested to be responsible for the failure of the RSP.
1547 - 1550
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