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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS)

ISSN 0253-2964(Print)
ISSN 1229-5949(Online)
Volume 25, Number 12
BKCSDE 25(12)
December 20, 2004 

In vitro Interaction of Recombinantly Expressed Kringle 5 (rK5) with Ras Guanine Nucleotide Dissociation Stimulator-like Factor (Rgl2)
Jungwhoi Lee, Sunhee Kim, Yongsung Park, Je Wan Woo, Dongyeol Lim, Kyunghee Lee*
Kringle 5, Rgl2, GST-pull down experiments
Kringle 5 (K5), located outside of angiostain (K1-4) in human plasminogen, displays more potent antiangiogenic activity on endothelial cell proliferation than angiostatin itself. Using a yeast two-hybrid system in vivo, we have recently identified Rgl2 (guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator (RalGDS)-like factor 2) as a binding protein of human K5. In order to confirm in vitro protein interaction between K5 and Rgl2, we developed bacterial recombinant expression systems for them. K5 and Rgl2 proteins were expressed in high yields and purified into pure forms with His tags and GST fusion, respectively. GST-pull down experiments clearly demonstrated that K5 interacts specifically with Rgl2 in vitro. These results indicate that Rgl2 functions as a receptor protein for K5 in vitro as well as in vivo, leading to anti-angiogenesis through regulating Ras signaling pathways.
1863 - 1868
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