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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS)

ISSN 0253-2964(Print)
ISSN 1229-5949(Online)
Volume 25, Number 8
BKCSDE 25(8)
August 20, 2004 

Highly Selective Derivative Spectrophotometry for Determination of Nickel Using 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in Tween 80 Micellar Solutions
Habibollah Eskandari
Derivative spectrophotometry, Nickel, PAN, Tween 80
A spectrophotometric and first derivative spectrophotometric method was developed in aquatic Tween 80 micellar solutions for selective determination of nickel without using any pre-separation step. 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN), as a sensitive chromogenic complexing agent formed a red-colored Ni(II)-PAN complex in Tween 80 media with satisfactory solubility and stability. Conditions such as pH, PAN concentration, type and concentration of micellizing agent were optimized. Molar absorptivity of Ni-PAN complex was found 4.62 × 104 L cm?1 mol?1 at 569 nm, under the optimum condition. Calibration graphs were derived by zero, first and second derivative spectrophotometry at maximum wavelengths of 569, 578 and 571 nm with linear ranges of 30-1800, 20-2500 and 30-2000 ng mL?1, respectively. Precision as standard deviation as well as accuracy as recovery percent were in the range of 1-20 ng mL?1 and 93.3-103.3%, respectively, for the entire of the linear ranges. Spectrophotometric detection limit was 3 ng mL?1 and effects of diverse ions on the first derivative determination of nickel were studied to investigate selectivity of the method. Interferences of cobalt and copper on the nickel determination were prevented using o-phenanthroline as masking agent. The recommended procedures were applied to the various synthetic and stainless steel alloys, tea leaves and human hair, with satisfactory results.
1137 - 1142
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