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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS)

ISSN 0253-2964(Print)
ISSN 1229-5949(Online)
Volume 17, Number 2
BKCSDE 17(2)
February 20, 1996 

Concentration and Solvent Effects upon Carbonyl Streching Frequency Shifts of Raman Spectra; 4-Substituted Benzaldehydes
Young Mee Jung, Jae Soo Kang, Seung Hun Seo, Mu Sang Lee*
From Raman spectra, the νC=O frequencies of 4-substituted benzaldehydes were found to correlate with the σp values of the 4-x atom or group as well as the acceptor number (AN) values of solvents. In various solvents, the νC=O frequency of benzaldehyde decreased upon the increase of benzaldehyde concentration. This shift was mainly due to the hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl oxygen and/or aldehydic proton of benzaldehyde and the solvent molecules. Over the 1-80 volume % change, the νC=O frequency of benzaldehyde down shifted from 1709.4 cm-1 to 1700.2 cm-1 in CCl4 solution and from 1703.0 cm-1 to 1698.0 cm-1 in C2H5OH solution. This is due to the fact that hydrogen bonding between the benzaldehyde and C2H5OH was much stronger than that between the benzaldehyde and the other solvents.
128 - 131
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