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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (BKCS)

ISSN 0253-2964(Print)
ISSN 1229-5949(Online)
Volume 3, Number 1
January 20, 1982 

A Study for the Viscous Flow of Sodium Chloride Through a Cuprophane Membrane
Jong-Gi Jee, Oh Cheun Kwun, Mu Shik Jhon, Taikyue Ree
For the study of transport phenomena of an aqueous NaCl solution through a cuprophane membrane, a new apparatus was constructed. The volumc flow rate Q, the permeability coefficient U, and the permeability constant K were measured or determined by using this apparatus. The experimental temperature range was 5 to 35℃, and the applied pressure increments were 10 to 40 psi. By assuming that the cuprophane membrane is composed of n parallel cylindrical capillaries of circular cross-section and that the flow of the solution through the capillaries follows the Poiseulle law, the mean radius r of the capillaries and the number n of the latter in the membrane were evaluated. By using a reasonable assumption concerning the radius η' of the species diffusing through the membrane, it was concluded that the contribution of the diffusive flow to the total flow rate Q is less than 10%. Thus, the Q was treated as the rate due to the viscous flow, and the viscosity ηm of the solution in the membrane phase was evaluted, and it was found that ηm is nearly equal to ηb, the bulk viscosity of the solution. From this fact, it was concluded that in the capillaries, no change occurs in the physical state of the NaCl solution. The value of ΔHm≠( = 4.27 kcal/mole) and ΔSm≠ (4.28 eu) were obtained for the viscous flow. A possible explanation was given.
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